Making remote work, work

I took the opportunity to go fully remote during COVID and haven’t looked back.

Making remote work, work
Photo by TheStandingDesk / Unsplash

Working while fully remote might not be for everyone but it has been really positive for me. There was, however, a bit of a learning curve. These are a few things that have made remote work, work!

Make sure your workspace is set up well
Crouching over a too-short table in an uncomfortable kitchen chair all day is a surefire way to have a miserable remote working experience. Workspace ergonomics are important wherever you are, but can be harder to sort out at home. Things that have made a huge difference for me are a standing desk with perching stool, and ergonomic keyboard and mouse.

A comfortable space that works for you makes a massive difference

Use good collaboration tools
For instance, we use special purpose tools like that make collaborative coding really easy. As a result I actually spend more time pair programming now than when I was in the office. We also use collaborative white-boarding and design tools like Miro and Figma, so whether I'm working with other engineers or with designers and product managers, we can always work interactively together.

Coding specific screen-share tools like Tuple can make pairing easier than in real life

Make the most of any in-person time together with your team
The biggest adjustment to going fully remote for me was the loss of real life interactions. I find it can be hard to stay connected to my colleagues as human beings solely through virtual interactions. What helps me maintain that connection is our quarterly product-engineering together days. Specifically, the part of the day after we have finished work and go out as a group to do something fun. There really is no replacement for having an epic 30 minute ping-pong showdown to coalesce as colleagues!

In the end, working remotely might not be for everyone. But I've found that having a good home environment, using good collaboration tools, and getting periodic in-person time with my team has made for a really positive remote working experience.